Sunday 27 July 2014

Life Update.

Hey Stranger,

I am so shocked and mad at myself for not blogging for....cough...cough... six months.... Ooops. Big oops. I suppose life gets in the way a lot and even with the best intentions we can all come off track sometimes (me more then some!). So much has happened. I finished my second year of university, moved home for summer, got my job back and best of all I went to Africa for two weeks and it was beautiful and amazing.

I revisited my blog tonight because I felt like I had a really productive day at work and now I'm feeling more motivated to get my life sorted out. I have been struggling with a lot of mixed emotions lately and I felt stressed about my dissertation (university project) as I'm currently collecting data for it. Lets just say Oh life is my favourite phrase at the moment.

But no more moaning! More planning. More lists. More action and MOTIVATION is what's gonna be going onnnn hereeee

I feel procrastination is my biggest enemy. For example I was meant to log my data from the last four days but no I'm writing a blog post (Y). Perfect decision I feel! I'm not going to curl up in bed and probably fall asleep while trying to write a list of productive things that need sorting.

I'm going to try and write a blog post for Africa with amazing photos and also one about my research as well (you may not care but meh I do ha).

This was such a ramble but that's life!


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